Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ruxin Is Here


Ruxin Dee Smith is here.  He was born at 7:50 am on September 21, 2012.  Is was 5 pounds 8 ounces and was 17 and a half inches long.


Long legs.  Nicole’s first comment was that they were “runner’s legs".”


Ruxin and Mom


Warren’s job is to “burp” Ruxin.


Ruxin’s doctor said that he needed to have “tummy time” to help with his development.  Ruxin doesn’t like it too much but he looks cute that is for sure.


Ruxin loves the blanket that Grandma Sandy made for him.


Cooper and Allie Mae came down with Melissa to see Ruxin.  Cooper and Allie have been a little “sickly” the last few days so we took the precautions so that they were able to see Ruxin.  They are excited to have a new brother.

Coopers birthday was on the 20th of September and Nicole’s is on the 24th of September.  We should have a busy birthday week now.  Melissa joked that we should legally change Allies to the 22nd so that we can just get them all out of the way.

All is well though.  Ruxin is doing very well and Mom and Dad are excited to have him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited for the Sunday updates. I will look forward to them all week!!
