Sunday, November 25, 2012


This year for Thanksgiving we were able to spend the day with Dixie, Alan, and Baylee. The kids love going to their house. Everyone loved to hold Ruxin. When we walked in the house Allie saw the table with the pies. She ate her food really fast then wanted her pie. The kids colored and played on the piano.

Dixie had Cooper and Allie help take down her Thanksgiving decorations and put up the Christmas ones. While they were in the basement Allie can running back up stairs and asked if we heard the noise. Warren and I said that we did not hear any noise. Warren was joking around and said that it was a ghost. After that the kids went down stairs with Baylee and hunted ghost. Allie also told Dixie that she felt safe in the basement with a look of fear. She is always keeping us guessing.


before we left to go to Dixie’s house for Thanksgiving, Allie decided that she liked me shoes. First she saw the pink ones and wore them for a while, then she saw the brown ones and wore them. We decided that we didn’t want her going up and down the stairs in the shoes because we didn’t want a broken bone, so she wore the black boots. She was so excited to be able to wear the shoes to Dixie’s house. She was a little disappointed that she could not wear them home with mom that night. Melissa said there are some pretty big feet unless you’re an adult.

IMG_0634Pink Shoes ( these hurt her feet after a little while, she said that her feet were numb).

IMG_0635Brown Shoes.

On Wednesday Ruxin was TWO Months old. It does not feel like it has been that long. He is getting so big. He has been in a size 1 diaper for a little over a week. He no longer has a newborn cry, and he loves tummy time, for a few minutes. He has rolled over twice when he has gotten really mad during tummy time ( his arms where in a position that helped him do it).


We went to Malad on Friday to spend a little time with my family. When Brex got in the house he walked up to Warren and whispered in his ear and asked if Cooper and Allie were there. Brex was excited to see Ruxin. He just watched Ruxin. He also tried to feed Ruxin a cracker. He could not understand why Ruxin would not eat it. He kept telling me that Ruxin told him that he wanted the cracker. We all wrote a letter to my little brother Jayson that is on his mission. He has been out for a year.

IMG_0639Watching Ruxin

IMG_0640Brex thinks Ruxin is pretty neat.

IMG_0642Ruxin with Uncle Marshal.

Saturday the kids come back to our house. We had a fun day. Melissa was able to hang out with us for a little while during the day, and help decorate the tree and make ornaments. We made salt dough for the ornaments, the kids were not very thrilled about mixing the salt and flour together. they did not like the way it felt and the fact it stuck to their hands. We made had prints and snowmen and others. We painted the before they had to go back home.






Warren and I were sitting on the couch and saw Allie’s shoes on the floor and he asked me if they would fit me. So since Allie loved to put on my shoes I put on hers. The said part is, is that they fit perfectly. Surprised smile So we thought that we needed a picture of it.

IMG_0646We switched shoes!!

Cooper is the best big brother Ruxin could have gotten. He is such a big helper when he is with us. He loves to to feed him, and thinks its really awesome that he could help Ruxin to burp ( or thinks it is funny that he burps). Its up for debate. Coop will talk to Ruxin to try and get him to calm down and not cry or with bounce him in his chairs. Ruxin seems to be mesmerized by Coop. Well today Coop was trying to get Ruxin to stop crying so he gave him a Candy Cane off the tree. Ruxin liked it for just a minute. I don’t know what we would do without Cooper.

IMG_0658If only I could eat it mom.

Allie. She is a handful and I love it! After our busy day of decorating and making ornaments we had an Allie converstation.

Allie: Nicole I want to do something to entertain me.                                                                  

Me: What do you want to do. Watch a movie, play the Wii, watch tv, play with some toys.

Allie: No I don’t want to so that. I want to do something FUN.

Me: ok what is fun to do.

Allie: I don’t know.

Me: Hmmm.

So Cooper, Allie and I processed to go into the basement and I decided to help them make a fort. And by saying that I helped them make a fort I made the fort for them. Silly kids. Good thing the basement is theirs. We had a lot of fun making the “biggest fort ever” as Allie told me a few times. They like it some much that they slept in the fort. Allie asked where I can up with such fun things to do (ex: sliding down the stairs in a sleeping bag and landing on a bean bag). I told her that Uncle Lance and I didn’t have games like they do and we had to create our own fun.

IMG_0647 Biggest Fort Ever!! (Special thanks to grandma Smith for the BIG Blankets)


Needless to say we had a really FUN Thanksgiving weekend. We are very Thankful for our little man Ruxin! He has added some much to our lives. For Cooper and Allie for being such wonderful kids, and for the laughter that they bring into our lives. And for Melissa. She has been so great, always helping us out. Ruxin really loves her. We love our families and are grateful for all that they do for us.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a really GREAT weekend! Thanks so much for the updates, they make me smile and feel like I'm part of things, even being so far away. Love you all!
